Toc toolToc tool


Left padding: pad(length, text, [options])

Left padding occurs when the first argument is a number and the second argument is a string.

var pad = require("pad")

pad(5, "pad", "-") //  "--pad"

Right padding: pad(text, length, [options])

Right padding occurs when the first argument is a string and the second argument is a number.

var pad = require("pad")

pad("pad", 5, "-") //  "pad--"


Node Pad comes in multiple flavours depending on your target environment:

  • CommonJS: dist/pad.cjs.js
    Bundle used by Node.js and compatible with ES5. It is declared inside the package.json by the main property and used by default with require("pad") in a Node.js environment.
  • ES module: dist/pad.esm.js
    Bundle using the ECMAScript standard defined in ES6 for working with modules. The path to the ES module is declared inside the package.json by the module property for ESM-aware tools like Rollup and webpack 2+.
  • UMD: dis/pad.umd.js Bundle in the Universal Module Definition (UMD), a format compatible with both AMD and CommonJS.

The CommonJS syntax to import Node Pad is:

const pad = require("pad/dist/pad.cjs.js")
// Or simply
const pad = require("pad")

While the ES Modules syntax is:

import pad from "pad/dist/pad.esm.js"
// Or for ESM-aware tools
import pad from "pad"


Options are provided as a third argument and are all optional. A string argument it is interpreted as the "char" option.

  • char (string)

The character used to fill the gap.


var pad = require("pad")

pad(6, "234", "0") // "000234"
  • colors (boolean) (boolean)

Adjust to hidden terminal color characters.

  • strip (boolean)

Remove characters from text if length smaller than text length, default to "false".


var pad = require("pad")

pad("abcdef", 2, { strip: true }) // "ab"
pad(2, "abcdef", { strip: true }) // "ef"
  • fixed_width (boolean)

An optimization option to disable the usage of the wcwidth package to handle the discovery of characters using more than one column for display.

var pad = require("pad")

const chars = Buffer.from("e6938de4bd9c", "hex").toString()
pad(6, chars, { char: "0" }) // "00操作"
pad(6, chars, { char: "0", fixed_width: true }) // "0000操作"
  • wcwidth_options (object)

Options passed to the wcwidth package used to calculate the display width of characters using more than one column.


var pad = require("pad")

pad(String.fromCharCode(0) + "a字的", 10, {
  char: "0",
  wcwidth_options: { nul: 0 },
}) // "a字的00000"
pad(String.fromCharCode(0) + "a字的", 10, {
  char: "0",
  wcwidth_options: { nul: 2 },
}) // "a字的000"
var pad = require("pad")

pad("abc\n字的模块\ndef", 20, { char: "0", wcwidth_options: { control: -1 } })
/* Result:

pad("abc\n字的模块\ndef", 20, { char: "0", wcwidth_options: { control: 1 } })
/* Result: